A Candid Conversation on Living Income

We often under-estimate the power of in-person meetings to make things happen. After two years of pandemic precautions and virtual meetings, I had the opportunity for in-person engagement with stakeholders working to close living income gaps. The first was a visit with partners and producers working in cocoa in Cote d’Ivoire, the second was theLiving Income Summit在阿姆斯特丹。

这些长期的相互作用是基础和充满活力的。但是他们还加强了面对面会议对于建立信任,同理心和加深我们相互理解的重要性。当我们真正互动时 - 不仅倾听和见面 - 我们围绕着我们面临的现实和未来计划的新水平的坦率和脆弱性。在这两个地点,我都被多个利益相关者的共同主题震惊,并决心为缩小收入差距的新方法。


Moussa Sawadogo - Cote d'Ivoire(ASPCACC)的可可和咖啡合作社董事会主席协会主席(ASPCACC),在2022年6月在阿姆斯特丹举行的生活收入峰会上向小组成员提出了一个问题

1。The need for action on living income is now

There is greater urgency for action on living income. Costs of living are on the rise across the globe, including among smallholder farming households, many of whom have been dealing with large living income gaps for generations. The current climate makes them even more vulnerable to shocks.


2。The importance of producer groups and local actors

Among stakeholders I met with, nearly all agreed that achieving better incomes with and for farming households requires the participation and direct influence of those who would benefit. This means that households must be included in creating, prioritizing and delivering solutions that are desirable and sustainable.





· Increases in FOB or farmgate prices,

· Paying (higher) cooperative fees,


· Co-investing in services, traceability, and equipment,

· Group purchases of inputs to reduce farmers’ costs.

Across the range of stakeholders we work with, we see these approaches applied to varying degrees, which results in wide variation in impact. The next step is collaboration and coordination with everyone contributing to achieving living incomes on a much wider scale.


虽然IDH提供了app 1manbetx net 为了指导利益相关者缩小生活收入差距,我们正在共同创建一个多利益相关者框架以阐明不同参与者的作用,可以立即采取行动来应对眼前的危机。我们不能让协作或潜在的LargesCale计划使我们无法将有关农民包含在解决方案设计中的谈话和公平的价值分配。个人和协调的行动是可能的。

1。Raise prices:Supply chain actors and governments have access to sufficient data on costs of production and living income gaps to immediately increase prices in trade agreements and/or pricing policy. Relying on volatile market prices for price discovery and price-setting is a choice, not an inevitability. Different households will benefit in different ways, but this action is directly within the sphere of control of companies and governments. It will have an immediate and direct impact on producer households.

2。介绍现金转移:Higher prices will only have an effect during a few periods throughout the year and won’t solve immediate cash flow constraints due to rising prices. Supply chain actors, governments, and NGOs can act independently and/or pool resources to utilize digital and non-digital payment channels to ensure farming households can sustain themselves.


4。Invest directly or through in-kind services for household and production needs:Depending on the context, some households are unable to cover costs of food, production inputs or other needs. Traders, with co-investment from buyers, can utilize the supply chain infrastructure, assets and relationships to meet households’ urgent needs to assure their human rights and mitigate future ripple effects.
