
Recently the first iteration of factories have graduated from the Race to the Top program, and a shift has been identified in how the factory’s supervisors treat the workers, how workers are speaking out more in comparison to the situation prior to the start of the program and showcases that the worker engagement training component seems to be effective as workers have been given the tools to start a dialogue with factory management.



  1. 证明和完善可持续发展的服装行业,政府和部门双方的经济,社会和声誉利益;
  2. 创造有利的政策和可持续生产的监管环境;
  3. 改善生产商和钢厂投资于可持续生产的经营理;
  4. 通过协调,创新活动在国家一级的创建成本效益。