

根据公平果国际的Wietse弗鲁姆“SIFAV为其成员提供一个共同的语言和平台,分享可持续性的担忧”。Pascalle van Bergenhenegouwen discusses how the SIFAV platform has assisted Jaguar The Fresh Company to change its business practices: “We’ve been with SIFAV since the beginning”, says Pascalle, “and in the meantime, we’ve made a lot of changes in our sourcing and work closely with our producers on environmental and social aspects”.

标准篮还便于买家和生产者之间的更密切的协作,以进行各种正供应链影响的可能性。根据ICA的Anders Axelsson,“下对齐同一组的标准要求,使得它更容易让我们真正得到通过我们的供应商,并知道他们都在船上。”

Xavier Roussel, Dole Europe, believes that the SIFAV platform has supported improvements in practices across the Dole banana value chains: “In our project in banana farming, it’s an improvement in our practices across the board: the way we deal with our soil, water, reduced pesticide use, as well as social policies and health and safety”.