Promoting Gender Equality in Latin America: Fyffes empowers women fruit farmers through digital tool

Daisy Gonzales Alfaro works at the Fyffes banana farm Finca Esmeralda in Costa Rica: “The gender equality program helped me a lot. It motivated me to study again and I learned that we are all equal.”

Women play a key role in the global food system today, especially in the agriculture sector where they make up almost half of its workforce. Despite their significant contribution, studies consistently show that women face ongoing gender-specific constraints in their everyday lives – at work, their homes, and in their communities. Against this backdrop, fresh produce company and SIFAV partner Fyffes developed its Gender Equality Program to support farm workers on gender-related issues and management. The main tool在此程序中,是“ HereSentials”,这是一个数字教育应用程序(TM值)与Fyffes合作开发,在Covid-19-19大流行期间,此后一直在其拉丁美洲的水果农场推出。

While women represent a major workforce in the global agricultural industry, they are disproportionately affected by poverty, discrimination, harassment, violence, exploitation, and other gender-specific obstacles. To effectively address these issues, SIFAV partner Fyffes has established gender equality and women empowerment as key priorities within its sustainability strategy. In doing so, Fyffes aims to improve outcomes for female workers at its fruit farms and create a more inclusive workplace, with a focus on Latin America.

As a result, in 2019 the Fyffes Gender Equality Program was developed in partnership with IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative, and BSR. This program helps identify and address equality challenges faced by women in the workplace and in their communities. The overall target: to provide gender equality training to 100% of people at Fyffes’ own sites in Latin America by 2025 and at 50% of its suppliers’ sites by 2030. To help establish the framework for the program, IDH provided part of the funding as well as key learnings from its successful gender initiative in the Ethiopian flower industry[1]。这些学习最初是在洪都拉斯和哥斯达黎加的Fyffes水果农场应用的。从那时起,已经发生了很多事情,并且该计划已大大扩展。一个突出的例子是在Covid-19大流行期间引入的数字工具“ heresentials”,以数字方式提供有关性别平等的培训。


“We looked at a COVID-proof way to keep delivering on our Gender Equality Program during the pandemic, when women were particularly affected on various levels. They were not only impacted economically, but they also had to endure additional stress and uncertainty in terms of finances, family planning, and healthcare at home. That is where HERessentials came in; an app to help guide and engage workers in a safe and socially distant way,” says Stella Davis, Assistant Manager Sustainability Department at Fyffes. Based in Costa Rica, she oversees the implementation of the program across Fyffes farms in Latin America.

BSR的Herproject(TM)开发了她的时刻,该主题努力赋予在全球供应链中工作的低收入妇女的能力。HereSentials围绕一个基于平板电脑的应用程序,该应用程序使用动画,视频和游戏,以说明工人在工作场所和家里面临的日常情况和问题,以及前和验证后的测验来衡量学习。“该应用程序提供围绕三个关键领域的培训:沟通,计划生育和健康以及财务弹性。例如,它建议如何与主管或在家进行困难对话,如何处理健康问题和压力,以及如何处理预算和数字付款,例如将资金转移给家人。” Stella解释说。同时,使用平板电脑有助于提高整体数字和技术素养。特别是在农村地区:该应用程序离线工作 - 这意味着它可以直接在连通性较低的领域中使用。


到目前为止,在哥斯达黎加,厄瓜多尔,洪都拉斯和伯利兹的Fyffes香蕉,瓜和菠萝农场已经推出了她的时刻。迄今为止,已经对使用该应用程序进行了1,300名工人接受了培训 - 根据第一次评估,这是非常受欢迎的,“我们从参加性别平等培训的工人那里收到的积极反馈表明,她的当时是表明,被视为一个有价值且有价值的计划。它鼓励人们开始储蓄,重返学校,并增强了他们的信心。许多人甚至问Fyffes是否也可以与家人和社区分享该计划。知道自己可以对许多人的生活产生积极影响,这是非常有益的。”

这种积极的影响也是IDH性别战略的目标:“作为IDH,我们认为妇女是推动供应链增长和可持续性的关键。但是,目前,妇女参与供应链的可能性有限。IDH致力于性别平等,旨在确保我们至少有80%的计划是故意通过主流性别而成为性别的,而10%整合了性别gender transformative approaches到2025年,IDH高级经理性别经理Cesar Maita Azpiri说。据他介绍,她的本质是一种包容性和用户友好的工具,可以在任何基础设施有限的偏远地区应用,并且在粮食生产和国家的不同领域都可以应用。他说:“这允许从水果部门获得的经验和学习能够使其他行业和世界各地的合作伙伴受益。”

Further promoting gender equality across countries and involving partners

Initially meant to help Fyffes Gender Equality Program navigate the challenges of social distancing during the pandemic, the app has already proven to be a success beyond that original aim, which is why Fyffes and HERproject (TM) aim to further expand it. “Achieving Fyffes sustainability target to ‘train 100% of workers in our sites on gender equality by 2025’ is certainly a challenge, but we are confident that our internal support and structure will allow us to get there,” explains Stella. “However, the real challenge and proof of the success of the program will be onboarding 50% of our suppliers to partner with Fyffes and invest their time and effort to train their workers as well. Reassuringly, when we approached a key supplier in Colombia to participate in our Gender Equality Program, they jumped on the opportunity, as it aligns with their own sustainability strategy and goals as well. It’s great to work towards the same cause, and I look forward to working with more and more suppliers over the next few years to continue to promote gender equality in the workplace and in our communities.”


130多年来,Fyffes为全球无数数百万人带来了热带选择。我们通过与种植者培养关系,支持员工并努力为链中的每个链接提供服务:生产,采购,运输,成熟,分销和营销来实现最高质量。这种方法已在多个市场上赢得了FYFFES领导力。今天,我们是世界上公平贸易认证香蕉的最大进口商。我们还是欧洲最大的香蕉和菠萝进口商之一,也是北美最大的瓜进口商。我们于2017年成为Sumitomo Corporation的一部分,以许多令人兴奋的方式推进了我们的行业领导力。有关更多信息,请转到www.fyffes.comor follow @FyffesIrl on Twitter and LinkedIn.


IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) strives for flourishing markets with better jobs, better incomes and a better environment. When IDH is successful, companies rebalance the relationships between the workers they employ, the customers they serve and the planet that serves all of us. IDH’s work is made possible because of the funding and trust of multiple European governments and private foundations. For more information, go towww.idhtrade.comor follow @IDHTrade on Twitter and LinkedIn.


可持续发展倡议的水果和蔬菜(SIFAV)旨在积极贡献更可持续的新鲜水果和蔬菜供应链。其目的是通过调整政策,目标和协作行动来大规模产生影响。Sifav由可持续贸易倡议IDH协调。manbetx万博靠谱吗Sifav是一项代表40多个合作伙伴的泛欧,其中包括零售商,品牌,贸易商,民间社会组织和其他支持方。2021年,Sifav推出了新的2025年战略,明确着重于降低供应链中的环境足迹,改善了工作条件,工资和收入,并加强了尽职调查和透明度。有关更多信息,请转到 follow @Sustainability Initiative Fruit and Vegetables on LinkedIn.

[1]For more info://